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Papas Duquesas (Stuffed Potatoes)


  • 4 big potatoes
  • 2 cups of bacon, chopped
  • 1 tbsp gr butter
  • 2 tbsp mustard
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheese
  • 1/2 cup milk, cook
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tbsp parsley, fresh (and chopped) or dried  
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Wash the potatoes well and boil them for about 35 to 40 minutes. You can also do this in the microwave (first potato= 8 minutes, 2nd= 8 minutes, 3rd= 4 minutes, 4th= 4 minutes, so all 4 potatoes should be in the microwave for around 25 minutes; remember to poke the potatoes with a fork before placing them in the microwave, so they don't explode!) Once the potatoes are soft, cut them in halves and scoop out the center of each potato. Save that in a bowl, we'll need it later. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the potato skins.

Take the chopped bacon and fry it for about 7 minutes. Mix the remaining of the potatoes (the ones you put in a bowl), butter, mustard, shredded cheese, milk, garlic, salt, and pepper and mix well. You can also use a blender or food processor for this. Add this mix to the inside of the potatoes and sprinkle the bacon pieces on top, place them in a deep dish or tray and cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 15-20 mins at 355F






01/11/2016 10:20pm
Glad I've finally found sohmneitg I agree with!
01/13/2016 2:15am
I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.
01/13/2016 2:17am
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.
01/13/2016 3:29am
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
01/13/2016 4:46am
Superb information here, ol'e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
01/13/2016 5:08am
That's a sensible answer to a challenging question
01/13/2016 5:27am
Furrealz? That's marvelously good to know.
01/13/2016 5:52am
At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!
01/13/2016 7:12am
Wow, this is in every respect what I needed to know.
01/13/2016 8:06am
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
01/13/2016 8:34am
There's a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!
01/13/2016 10:08am
I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.
01/13/2016 10:11am
That's a genuinely impressive answer.
01/13/2016 10:12am
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.
01/13/2016 10:27am
Super jazzed about getting that know-how.
01/13/2016 10:33am
Ho ho, who woulda thunk it, right?
01/13/2016 11:12am
We need more insights like this in this thread.
01/13/2016 12:34pm
I'm grateful you made the post. It's cleared the air for me.
01/13/2016 1:09pm
So that's the case? Quite a revelation that is.
01/13/2016 1:26pm
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
01/13/2016 1:51pm
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
01/13/2016 2:09pm
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
01/13/2016 2:36pm
A really good answer, full of rationality!
01/13/2016 3:05pm
That's really thinking out of the box. Thanks!
01/13/2016 3:17pm
It's a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.
01/13/2016 3:28pm
I reckon you are quite dead on with that.
01/13/2016 3:36pm
Thanks guys, I just about lost it looking for this.
01/13/2016 3:40pm
Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!
01/13/2016 3:47pm
An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.
01/13/2016 4:04pm
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O'Neal, if he wrote informative articles.
01/13/2016 4:13pm
More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please
01/13/2016 4:22pm
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way through.
01/13/2016 4:35pm
This is just the perfect answer for all of us
01/13/2016 5:03pm
Haha. I woke up down today. You've cheered me up!
01/13/2016 5:12pm
I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.
01/13/2016 6:50pm
If only there were more clever people like you!
01/13/2016 7:56pm
It's posts like this that make surfing so much pleasure
01/13/2016 8:48pm
Hahahaha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!
01/13/2016 9:10pm
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.
01/13/2016 10:07pm
To think, I was confused a minute ago.
01/13/2016 10:36pm
Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!
01/14/2016 1:27am
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.
01/14/2016 2:05am
If you're reading this, you're all set, pardner!
01/14/2016 2:06am
That's a sharp way of thinking about it.
01/14/2016 2:26am
Action requires knowledge, and now I can act!
01/14/2016 2:46am
Information is power and now I'm a !@#$ing dictator.
01/14/2016 3:13am
Many many quality points there.
01/14/2016 4:42am
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem officially solved!
01/14/2016 5:08am
The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!
01/14/2016 5:10am
I'm impressed! You've managed the almost impossible.
01/14/2016 5:15am
Thanks for starting the ball rolling with this insight.
01/14/2016 5:34am
Heckuva good job. I sure appreciate it.
01/14/2016 5:59am
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
01/14/2016 6:10am
IMHO you've got the right answer!
01/14/2016 6:21am
Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don't have to.
01/14/2016 6:39am
Yup, that'll do it. You have my appreciation.
01/14/2016 7:25am
It's a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly
01/14/2016 7:54am
Taking the overview, this post is first class
01/14/2016 8:09am
Superb information here, ol'e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
01/14/2016 8:50am
This post has helped me think things through
01/14/2016 9:07am
Alright alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
01/14/2016 9:13am
Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
01/14/2016 9:43am
You know what, I'm very much inclined to agree.
01/14/2016 9:54am
This is what we need - an insight to make everyone think
01/14/2016 10:15am
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
01/14/2016 10:27am
Touchdown! That's a really cool way of putting it!
01/14/2016 10:43am
Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
01/14/2016 11:34am
This article went ahead and made my day.
01/14/2016 11:46am
None can doubt the veracity of this article.
01/14/2016 12:43pm
Just cause it's simple doesn't mean it's not super helpful.
01/14/2016 12:58pm
Tip top stuff. I'll expect more now.
01/14/2016 1:06pm
This forum needed shaking up and you've just done that. Great post!
01/14/2016 1:22pm
Finding this post. It's just a big piece of luck for me.
01/14/2016 2:13pm
That's a creative answer to a difficult question
01/14/2016 2:32pm
Keep on writing and chugging away!
01/14/2016 2:39pm
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it's free? Awesome!
01/14/2016 2:55pm
I was looking everywhere and this popped up like nothing!
01/14/2016 3:24pm
We've arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!
01/14/2016 3:32pm
Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!
01/14/2016 3:44pm
Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!
01/14/2016 4:03pm
This website makes things hella easy.
01/14/2016 4:14pm
BION I'm impressed! Cool post!
01/14/2016 4:20pm
Alright alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
01/14/2016 4:42pm
Thinking like that shows an expert's touch
01/14/2016 5:18pm
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
01/14/2016 5:29pm
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
01/14/2016 5:39pm
TYVM you've solved all my problems
01/14/2016 5:47pm
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
01/14/2016 6:15pm
That's the thinking of a creative mind
01/14/2016 6:43pm
Until I found this I thought I'd have to spend the day inside.
01/14/2016 7:09pm
There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.
01/14/2016 8:29pm
Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.
01/14/2016 8:46pm
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
01/14/2016 9:02pm
The expertise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
01/14/2016 9:04pm
Your post has lifted the level of debate
01/14/2016 9:23pm
Cheers pal. I do appreciate the writing.
01/14/2016 9:24pm
Taking the overview, this post hits the spot
01/14/2016 9:26pm
Hallelujah! I needed this-you're my savior.
01/14/2016 9:45pm
You've really impressed me with that answer!
01/14/2016 10:16pm
I'm so glad I found my solution online.
01/14/2016 10:19pm
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
01/14/2016 10:46pm
Good to find an expert who knows what he's talking about!
01/14/2016 11:48pm
A wonderful job. Super helpful information.
01/15/2016 12:41am
Ya learn something new everyday. It's true I guess!
01/15/2016 1:00am
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of things like that?
01/15/2016 1:18am
Phenomenal breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
01/15/2016 2:18am
Heckuva good job. I sure appreciate it.
01/15/2016 2:53am
I think you've just captured the answer perfectly
01/15/2016 3:04am
Right on-this helped me sort things right out.
01/15/2016 3:35am
Touchdown! That's a really cool way of putting it!
01/15/2016 3:56am
Thanks for your thoughts. It's helped me a lot.
01/15/2016 4:40am
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
01/15/2016 4:45am
Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!
01/15/2016 5:19am
Finding this post has answered my prayers
01/15/2016 5:34am
That's not just the best answer. It's the bestest answer!
01/15/2016 6:05am
Alright alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
01/15/2016 6:23am
Articles like this are an example of quick, helpful answers.
01/15/2016 6:40am
It's spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!
01/15/2016 6:49am
I'm really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
01/15/2016 7:16am
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
01/15/2016 8:47am
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks
01/15/2016 9:22am
Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!
01/15/2016 9:22am
That insight solves the problem. Thanks!
01/15/2016 10:03am
Keep these articles coming as they've opened many new doors for me.
01/15/2016 10:18am
Never would have thunk I would find this so indispensable.
01/15/2016 10:19am
Which came first, the problem or the solution? Luckily it doesn't matter.
01/15/2016 10:41am
Taking the overview, this post hits the spot
01/15/2016 12:07pm
Woah nelly, how about them apples!
01/15/2016 12:49pm
This website makes things hella easy.
01/15/2016 1:15pm
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
01/15/2016 1:40pm
Great common sense here. Wish I'd thought of that.
01/15/2016 1:42pm
You got to push it-this essential info that is!
01/15/2016 2:15pm
Alakazaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!
01/15/2016 2:59pm
Tip top stuff. I'll expect more now.
01/15/2016 3:39pm
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
01/15/2016 4:04pm
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
01/15/2016 4:38pm
And I was just wondering about that too!
01/15/2016 5:00pm
This piece was cogent, well-written, and pithy.
01/15/2016 5:23pm
That's the perfect insight in a thread like this.
01/15/2016 5:45pm
You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
01/15/2016 6:06pm
Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!
01/15/2016 6:13pm
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for writing!
01/15/2016 6:27pm
I don't even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
01/15/2016 6:41pm
I think you hit a bullseye there fellas!
01/15/2016 6:43pm
There's a secret about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY
01/15/2016 7:37pm
When you think about it, that's got to be the right answer.
01/15/2016 8:07pm
That's the best answer of all time! JMHO
01/15/2016 8:14pm
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
01/15/2016 9:14pm
That saves me. Thanks for being so sensible!
01/15/2016 9:17pm
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
01/15/2016 9:43pm
That's a sharp way of thinking about it.
01/15/2016 9:43pm
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!
01/15/2016 10:00pm
We could've done with that insight early on.
01/15/2016 10:30pm
Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
01/15/2016 11:03pm
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
01/15/2016 11:48pm
This introduces a pleasingly rational point of view.
01/15/2016 11:49pm
Well macadamia nuts, how about that.
01/16/2016 12:03am
A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this information.
01/16/2016 12:16am
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
01/16/2016 1:13am
Essays like this are so important to broadening people's horizons.
01/16/2016 1:25am
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?
01/16/2016 1:36am
It's a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly
01/16/2016 1:50am
Good to find an expert who knows what he's talking about!
01/16/2016 3:11am
Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!
01/16/2016 3:24am
Pleasing you should think of something like that
01/16/2016 3:57am
This makes everything so completely painless.
01/16/2016 4:55am
That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.
01/16/2016 5:11am
No complaints on this end, simply a good piece.
01/16/2016 5:33am
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!
01/16/2016 5:35am
You've managed a first class post
01/16/2016 5:36am
Now I know who the brainy one is, I'll keep looking for your posts.
01/16/2016 5:59am
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
01/16/2016 6:18am
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
01/16/2016 6:35am
That's a knowing answer to a difficult question
01/16/2016 6:48am
Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
01/16/2016 6:58am
Shoot, who would have thought that it was that easy?
01/16/2016 8:11am
I'm impressed you should think of something like that
01/19/2016 8:02pm
That's a nicely made answer to a challenging question
01/22/2016 8:36am
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01/26/2016 12:00am
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
01/26/2016 12:08pm
This does look promising. I'll keep coming back for more.
01/28/2016 1:15am
Cheers pal. I do appreciate the writing.
01/29/2016 5:46pm
This piece was cogent, well-written, and pithy.
02/02/2016 1:10pm
That's a knowing answer to a difficult question

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